Based in Sacramento, California, Ryan Brijs is recognized as an award-winning designer, artist, and creative force, infusing his work with a deep passion for creating compelling stories that resonate with audiences.

Alright, so you probably don’t know how to pronounce my last name unless you’re from Holland, so let’s start there. It sounds like Bryce. Not Breeze. Not Bridges. Or my favorite—Berjus. But everyone mispronounces it, so have a go. I’m game.

Originally from Utah, I am the offspring of a Commercial Artist and a Marketing Maven. I knew at an early age that I either wanted to become a professional break dancer or work in advertising. I chose the latter, but have come to find that it requires me to be just as nimble.

I earned a BFA in graphic design from the University of Utah and have street cred as a former graffiti artist. I love what I do. I appreciate a great concept as much as its execution. I enjoy visually integrating typography into my work. I communicate well and I am friendly, but not in a creepy way.

With over a decade of building sports, lifestyle, and wellness brands, I consider myself a steadfast creative leader, fearless idea maker, and versatile artist with an insatiable passion for storytelling.


Conceptual and Creative Development
Client Relationship Development
Team Leadership
Creative Direction
Photoshoot Art Direction
Graphic Design: Digital and Print


Gold Telly Winner 2022

Gold Telly Winner 2020

Judges Choice Award 2018
Sacramento Ad Club

Ad Person of the Year 2017
Sacramento Ad Club

AAF Conference Speaker 2017

Judge National Student Advertising Competition

Creative Mornings Speaker 2017

Judges Choice Award 2016
Sacramento Ad Club

Illustrations featured in Decades Vol 1 & 2

AAF Conference Speaker 2017

Judge National Student Advertising Competition

Creative Mornings Speaker 2017